Hello Thomas,

on Sat, 28. Feb 2004 at 23:47:22 +0700 Thomas Fernandez wrote:

>>  - "edit" entry in context menu for AB entries in address picker
> This would also enable us to use an alternate address for this
> contact. Maybe "Edit entry" is not what I am looking for, but "Open
> entry". This would still enable you to edit, if you so wish.

Yep. What I meant was the same, but "Open entry" is probably a better

Added a bugnote:
"open entry" would be probably a better name for the context menu

When you edit the context menu of address picker entries, a submenu
with all email addresses would be very good, too - to add a
specific (sub-)address to the recipient list.

and btw: the BT url was wrong for that wish. Correct one is:

http://www.thequod.de ICQ#152282665
GnuPG/PGP key: http://thequod.de/danielhahler.asc

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
with POPFile 0.20.1 and avast Mar2004 (4.1.357).

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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