I have over 5000 e-mails saved. The other day, I saved each email I own .eml
files to test other another email program. My virus scanner went crazy and deleted 89 
.emls because the
attachments contained viruses...

This means that in my original email base in The Bat, there is 89
viruses. My problem is that I selected the option "Keep Attachment
Files:In Message bodies....

Is there a way to mass convert my email, so that all the attachments
could be in a directory, instead of in the message bodies I selected
the option "Keep Attachment Files:Separately in a special directory"
but that only seperates new emails with an attachment and not the old

I could manually export all my email to .eml's again and then import
back after deleting the emails that contain a virus, but I have too
much email sorted into too many folders for that to be practical...

Any suggestions?

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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