Hello Jack Morrison,

on Sat, 6 Mar 2004 20:36:07 -0600 (2004-03-07 03:36:07 in .nl) in the
message with reference <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you
[JM] wrote (at least in part):

JM> I also use my car mainly to get me from point A to point B,


JM> but I *BUY* a car as much for its looks as for its ability to get me
JM> around.

You talked about a Ferrari, and Italian designers. Being European, I can
assure you Italian cars _stink_, they rust once you put your sweaty feet
in them. Ferrari is Italian.

JM> Don't you?

No, I buy a car (analog: SW) to get me from A to B. It must do the
essential job, looks is second place when choosing between equal

That's, for instance, why I use Mozilla Firefox, which uses standards,
and not M$-browser-shit.

JM> The big fuss that's routinely made here over the publication of a new,
JM> fresh set of glyphs, for example, should tell you that people have
JM> many different preferences and tastes.

Of course.

JM> And that has what, exactly, to do with spiffying up the interface?

... making the interface less important than security.

>> So first and foremost, my e-mail client is about utility.

JM> You don't care what it looks like?  What kinds of fonts are available
JM> to you?  Or about the various split modes?  Etc. Etc. Etc.

- don't use (send) so called HTML mail (I hate it)
- plain text: I use courier new / size 8

JM> Here's what they said about it:
JM> "*Better looking total progress indicator in the Connection Centre
JM> under XP Themes"
JM> Now, did this change have anything to do with The Bat's "utility"?
JM> No.

My, looks like you'r referring to an item listed in a release that has
been mostly dedicated to bug-fixing. I guess most of us (...) are happy
this release was dedicated to that.

>> But also please try to refrain from insulting two of my oldest friends on
>> this list.

JM> It's okay then to insult anyone who's not your friend?


Kind regards,
Peter Ouwehand
- - -
Created the above using
A program which insists to be : The Bat! V2.04.7
An OS which insists to be     : Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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