Hello Stefan!

On Sunday, March 07, 2004, 4:23 AM, you wrote, in part:

ST> Thomas, in my short passage, I've explained implicitly why I don't
ST> want the gaps to be of equal width (because it would be confusing).

This is what I was trying to say to Jack in my post--in which indeed I
tried to deal with too many issues at once!

I like the gaps unequal, for just the reason that you made them that
way. They are useful to me in this unconfusing design.

Could I ask you for some help in another screen appearance issue? Is
there a way I could have my fonts larger in the Message Dispatcher? I
need a 1280 by 1024 pixel screen resolution for optimal appearance on
my ViewSonic flat screen. But my vision is relatively poor (old-age
eyes--I'm 76), and so I've adjusted all the fonts I could both in XP
Home and in The Bat! I was wondering if we could have a Zoom feature
on a menu like in Opera, but just for dialogue boxes.

If not possible, or too major a thing to write code for, that's okay.
I love my copy of The Bat! just the way it is, and I can go on putting
my nose 8 inches from the screen to read the individual listings on
the Message Dispatcher. That's *not* sarcasm--I am quite serious.

You've done a great job to this point, and I give you a 100 per cent
approval rating!

Also, thanks again for your patient help when I was so upset with my
first download of TB!, over two years ago now, and I turned out just
to have a faulty download but didn't have the words to make people
understand what my difficulties were.

Excuse this long message. It seems I don't know how to write briefly.

Best regards,

The Bat! 2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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