Hello rich,

Monday, March 8, 2004, 3:00:54 PM, you wrote:
rich> The page you cite mentions a header tweak: X-Archive: encrypt

Sorry, should have explained better. The message itself was
irrelevant, I chose that particular one because it was the first one I
ran across that had the encrypted e-mail address.

rich> Wait! STOP! I do not even know what to ask anymore... This is
rich> getting complex... <break thread ... new train of thought>

Ok, ok, here it goes:

1. X-No-Archive - Set by you the user to prevent your message from
   being archived / available on either the current list archives or

2. X-Archive - We will be setting this as a list setting, so all
   e-mail addresses will be encrypted. It is available to be set by
   the user in case the list owners haven't set it, but we're taking
   care of it, so don't worry about this one.

rich> <new_thought>
rich> If TBUDL is broken is this some attempt to fix it?
rich> If it's not broken then why are we moving to GMane?
rich> </new_thought>

Here, I'm reposting what I posted on TBBETA, and it'll answer your


For ages, Marck, Allie, and I have fought off the Usenet zealots (not
meant as a dig, that's tongue in cheek <VBG> who wanted to be able to
see the TB lists in Usenet without having to subscribe to the lists.
We fought that off for ages because we didn't consider it to be a
secure move. With Gmane, it has shown that we can do this (to make
more people happy who want this functionality) while keeping to our
tenants of protecting our family here on the lists.

Just as there are people who want the Usenet functionality, there were
people who wanted web message boards. We fought that for a while too,
but eventually said if someone wanted to do it, go for it.

The three main reasons for us (the mods) wanting to keep it to mailing
lists were:

1. We are discussing a mail client, therefore it made sense to discuss
   it in the medium it was designed for.

2. We wanted to try and keep the knowledge base intact. i.e. If you
   create another medium to discuss TB, some people will move over
   there. Some of those people might be the ones who are a real asset
   to the lists now because of their experience or patience in
   answering questions.

3. We wanted to ensure as much as possible that we didn't open our
   community to spam and other forms of harassment (flame wars,
   personal attacks etc).

Gmane has the methodology, the security and the ease for us to open
this alternative venue to those people who have been wanting it over
the years.

Leif (TB list moderator and fellow end user).

Using The Bat! 2.04.4 under Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 4 on a Pentium 4 2GHz with 512MB

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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