Hello Admin,

Saturday, March 13, 2004, 10:56:46 PM, you wrote:

AaA> Have just received this email message:

AaA> Your Email Client does not support MIME encoding. Please upgrade to
AaA> MIME-enabled Email Client (almost every modern Email Client is MIME-capable).

Ah, I recognise that. You and I are customers of the same company, I
suspect. :-)

(I'm not naming names, to respect your privacy. I hope everyone else
on the list can forgive the fact that it makes this reply somewhat

AaA> Before I fire off a rude email to the sender concerned could someone
AaA> cofimr that The Bat does support MIME encpding and maybe siomeone
AaA> could suggest the appropriate technical wording for the reply.

Yes, The Bat! does support MIME. The problem is that they're sending
you a multi-part MIME Message with a text component and a HTML
component - and instead of putting a text equivalent of the HTML part
in, they're putting this daft message there instead.

I'd suggest you reply with:
"My client does support MIME, but I have chosen to not view the HTML
components of MIME multi-part messages. I am disappointed to see that
you don't provide a text equivalent in the text component of the
message - and even more disappointed that you have placed a misleading
'error message' there instead. Could you please consider a text
alternative in future emails, rather than this useless and misleading

Or something along those lines. ;-)

The message should have a HTML component as well, if this is the same
email as the one I have. You may not be seeing it, depending on your
options for viewing messages - go to the Options menu, then to
Preferences. Then go to the Viewer/Editor section. There are
preferences there for HTML mail and "alternative text" (Text and HTML)
- there are four options available for each. The options are:
   * HTML Only
   * HTML and Plain Text version
   * Plain Text version and HTML
   * Plain Text version only
I recommend setting both of these preferences to "Plain Text version
and HTML".

The list looks a little redundant - the middle two options are surely
the same thing? However, they define which version The Bat! shows
FIRST. Because I have it set to "Plain Text version and HTML", I get
two tabs at the bottom of my message viewer - one labelled Text, one
labelled HTML. For the message you describe, I see the text first but
can switch to the HTML by clicking on the other tab. If I chose "HTML
and Plain Text version", the tab order would be reversed - I would see
the HTML version first, and would have to click on the Text tab to see
the plain text version.

If you have it set to "HTML Only" or "Plain Text only", you get no
tabs - just whichever part of the message you chose. I'm guessing
you've set this preference to "Plain Text Only". Which is fine, until
someone sends you a message like the one you received today. :-)

I hope this helps you.

Best regards,
 Philip                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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