Greg Strong, [GS] wrote:

GS> Why does Gmane NOT recognize the "X-No-Archive: Yes" header?

It does work. It's just that your messages are kept on the server for
14 days. I know that we misinformed before and for this we really

To prevent your messages from appearing at all, use the header:

X-Archive: expiry=0

Use that header alone. Combining it with 'X-No-Archive: Yes' is
unnecessary and can actually cause problems in that these switches are
applied as they're encountered. The X-No-Archive header could nullify
the expiry header if the former appears after the latter.

Marck and I have updated the information pages. They're currently live
and now working so you can visit the tbudlinfo link provided in the
list footers.

-=[ Allie ]=- (List Moderator and fellow end-user)

Running The Bat! v2.05 Beta/1 on WinXP Pro (SP1) 

Attachment: pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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