Hello Marck,

Saturday, March 27, 2004, 1:07:54 PM, Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

MDP> Please visit the library and replace your QTs with the V2 re-writes.

MDP> http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/Library.htm

Result after clicking on the link: The page cannot be found

However if I go to http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html,
then click on "TB! Regex Macro Repository", then the page
http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/Library.html opens with no errors.

I just thought I'd let you know. Don't know why.

Best Regards,
Greg Strong   

Using The Bat! v2.05 Beta/12 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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