Hello Bat list,

Now I've moved to version 2, I'm having trouble with the
templates for sending mail.

I seem to recall seeing that some changes were needed for
the new version; but my attempts to make sense of the new
templates on the site has proved a dismal failure, and I
have got things in a mess.

The reply template I was using for this folder read:

(%ODateShort, %OTime +0000 GMT), %OFROMNAME wrote:



but for other mail I've been using more simple ones, such

Hello Mark,

%ODateEn, %OTimeLongEn, you wrote:


Best regards,
Eric                              mailto:%FromAddr

Advice on what I should now be doing would really be
appreciated - as long as it's simple enough for me to

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP
5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1
Best regards,
Eric                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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