I just upgraded to TB v2 after a long time on v1.x and started checking out
the Bayesit plugin. I noticed that some of my messages that I have filters
on (to move them into separate folders) were being flagged as junk mail. I
have my filters setup in the following order:
      Multiple filters for mailing lists, known subject lines, etc. moved
into their respective folders.
      2nd to the last entry is a <KNOWN> filter to move all messages from
people in my address book into a special folder.
      Last entry is potential SPAM filter that moves everything that made
it this far into a holding folder for later review.

I'm assuming that the Bayesit plugin runs against all incoming mail prior
to any of the filters, so that's why I am seeing some of my mailing list
messages tagged as SPAM.

I suppose I could add a bunch of entries to the Bayesit plugin's whitelist,
but I hate duplicating what's already in my filters.

Just trying to confirm my suspicions

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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