Hi Gerard

> If nobody has seen this problem and you find the same problem on 2
> different machines with 2 different releases of TB! me guess is it is
> something you do. Problem is I do not know what.

No, no. You misunderstand me. The problem is happening on two
different machines with the same version of TB!. Let me explain. This
problem first occurred when I upgraded TB! from version 2.01.3 to version
2.04.7 on my Windows 2000 machine. I mentioned it to the list but no one
else had the same problem so I figured that it may have been a problem
specific to that machine so I upgraded TB! version 2.01.3 on another
machine (Windows XP) to version 2.04.7 in order to confirm that the
problem was machine specific but it is also happening on this new machine.
So the problem (as far as I can see) is not to do with me because it is
happening on two different machines but the same version of TB!, therefore
the new version of TB! is the common denominator here.

I am doing the right thing (the same procedure to create filter
automatically that has worked with all previous versions if TB! i.e.
right-hand click on a message | 'Specials' | 'Create Filter' - should
bring up a dialogue box from where you can create a filter. It does
nothing on my machine. I anyone can see that I'm doing something wrong
please let me know.

Having said all that, it appears that I'm the only person using this
version who's having this problem

> Maybe you can ask someone else to try it on your machine?

Could do but I will tell them what to do in the exact way that I do it
therefore the result will almost certainly be the same



CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.04.7
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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