Hello Ken!

On Saturday, April 17, 2004, 1:29 PM, you wrote:

S>>> How do I make The Bat stop checking email? 

>> Account/Properties/Options

kg> The problem is that is an account-specific setting. ...

Ah. Most of the time I check manually, since I'm not much into
multi-tasking. But I see where I missed understanding his problem.

kg> As has been suggested before (in different flavors), some kind of
kg> global connection setting would be nice.  IE (and MS mail client, too,
kg> I believe) has a "Work Offline" option that can be selected.  This
kg> would be great for The Bat.

Yes. And global across all accounts would be a useful option for other
account settings also. TB! is already so flexible and wonderful, but
it could definitely be made more so.

One of you should formally put this in as a Wish, I think.

Best regards,

The Bat! 2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.10.01 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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