Hello Adam,

> erm... forgive me if I seem ignorant, but what are virtual folders,
> and how can I use them to enrich my life?

I use VFs in different ways, one of them has been already explained by
Perry Nelson. That is, to show messages pending a reply from me.

I also use VFs to see some threads. I usually sort messages to Contact
specific folders (i.e. messages To and From Joe Smith get sorted in the
same folder). Now, there are times that a third or fourth person
(initially in CC) does reply to me or Joe's message and the
'conversation' is the between 3 or 4 or even more persons. But because
of sorting, the messages end up in several different folders. So, I have
created a "Thread" VF looking for a certain Subject and this way I can
see the whole thread no matter in which folder the messages are actually
stored. If I want to see a different thread I just have to change the
Subject the VF is looking for.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v2.10.01

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