On Monday, April 19, 2004 at 2:56:29 PM, you wrote:

> Marek,

> Sunday, April 18, 2004, 9:15:10 PM, you wrote:
MM>> Hello all,
MM>> Monday, April 19, 2004, Scott Sims wrote:

>>> Howdy,
>>> I have been having a problem since I installed 2.10. All my email that
>>> comes through is now marked as JUNK and moved to the junk folder. To
>>> stop this I have tried playing with various options in the anti-spam
>>> plugin, but it still doesn't work. I have now disabled the plug-in, but
>>> would like it fixed as it was really good in removing spam :)_

MM>> this is an info from BayesIt developer:

MM>> Remark: parameter "regarding threshold" is used as multiplier for non-spam base
MM>> of BayesIt. It helps to decrease the number of possibly "false positives".
MM>> Usually it is set to 1.5 or 2. If it is set to "0" which may happens during
MM>> installation of The Bat 2.10.00, it means that ALL your incoming mail wil be
MM>> marked as spam! This is serious.

You're not kidding - I have had to uninstall the plug-in until this is
sorted out /I understand what I've done wrong.

Since installing 2.10.0 (Win XP Pro SP1) everything is being out into

If I uninstall BAyesIT version 5 (which seems to have isntalled itself
with TB 2.10.0 where can I get it to re-install it and re-educate it.

Or will it just picj up an old education file and continue dumping

Marten Gallagher

Annery Kiln Web Design
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