Hello Allie,

Friday, April 23, 2004, 7:47:41 AM, you wrote:

DG>> So one has to decide which is the lesser of two evils: Having to
DG>> manually activate IMAP accounts? or having the Connection Center
DG>> continuously open? For me it's the latter.

> There's a third evil. :)

> You can have the CC always hidden and use the log panel to see
> what's happening with the account.

Even considering the third evil, I will stick with my original choice
of evils :)

> In some instances the log panel will not be enough and you need to
> fireup the CC.

This is enough reason for me. I do quite a bit of searching, and with
IMAP, the only way to know it's done searching is the CC messages. As
you said, the CC is too cumbersome to bring up on demand, esp if it's
often needed.

> The CC is annoying especially since it comes up in the foreground
> when sending messages.

This is my biggest argument in favor of the perpetual CC. I'm still
having frequent sending problems (described below), and watching the
CC pop up when sending is the confirmation I need that the message was
actually sent -- it's a more immediate and certain confirmation than
watching the Outbox contents.

My sending problem is that quite often when I send a message, it just
sits in the Outbox (whether using a local or server-side Outbox, it
makes no difference). If I try to do a "Send queued mail" it says
there is nothing to send. The only way to get it to send (as someone
on the list recommended) is to open the message from the outbox, make
a small change (add a space, for instance) and send again. This works,
although sometimes even that requires 3-4 instances of

This appears to be an IMAP-specific problem as it does not occur with
my POP accounts. I've figured it's just one more TB! IMAP glitch that
I'll have to live with until they decide to prioritize IMAP
functionality (or until I finally snap and decide to use a different

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