Hi T'Buddlers,

Something is occurring that needs a moderator's hand a new rule. We
will get together and draft the change as time permits, but I feel -
on behalf of the list admins (Johannes and myself), that I should
pre-empt it with a direct plea.

Challenge / response spam filter systems look a clever idea on
paper, but this is a clear case of "cure worse than disease" in 100%
of cases. The time waste involved for someone who has just sent the
mail. The delay in delivery while the sender is awaiting approval.
The unsolicited nature of the challenge mails - which can themselves
be accidentally spam filtered and missed (as they do in my system).

We have just been made aware of a service called "RiskFreeMail". One
of our users is using them to filter mail. We don't know who and
can't throw them off the list. Anyone who writes to the list will be
challenged by this system, so please excuse us - it's beyond our
control (unless the culprit reads this and does the decent thing -
stop doing so or stops asking the list to send messages to them).

Anyway - treat this as a heads up to any using or thinking of using
a C/R service that this will probably be becoming against list rules.

Cheers -- //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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