Hi Marck,

On Saturday, May 08, 2004, at 4:35:56 PM PST, you wrote:

MR>> So...at least in the notices I've been sent from this "service",
MR>> the person using the service is identified (by name, but not by
MR>> email address).

> Erm - not quite. Take this message as an example? I have sent a
> message addressed to '"Melissa Reese on TBUDL"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. Now, when RiskFreeMail challenge me,
> they will say:

> You recently sent a message to "Melissa Reese on TBUDL"

> How much use is that? None!

You're quite right...sorry for my confusion! And thanks for your
clarification!  :-)

All I've done so far in response to my "RiskFreeMail" challenges
generated from sending messages to the PGP-Basics lists was to post a
small rant at PGP-Basics-OT complaining about some people's (no
specifics) use of the "RiskFreeMail" service. :-)

I suppose in the case of a mail list, a more general ban on the use of
services like "RiskFreeMail" might be in order (just as you've already
put into motion). Hopefully, the people currently using the service -
or considering the use of it - will take note of such a list policy,
and act accordingly.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

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