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Hello All,

Saturday, May 22, 2004, 8:43:33 PM, Michael L. Wilson wrote:

MLW>  OK, I am dumpinh gpg and going with the free version of 8.  I am
MLW>  running XP, and they say 8 is the only version that works with XP.  I
MLW>  know that 6 is as good, does not use services and uses lest memory,
MLW>  so I am going to try 6.5 also and see which is better for me.

Looking at the PGP page for v8, I see that it says it will not work
within any mail programs.  I don't recall seeing a .dll file for PGP
v8 available from Ritlabs either.  Sounds to me that 6.5 would be
better.  I too am running XP and PGP 5.5; it does work AFAICS.

This brings up questions here... When I click on the LS icon to verify
someone's signature, isn't PGP supposed to go to one of the listed key
servers to check? Or am I not understanding something about the keys;
do I have to have a copy of every public key I want to verify?

Also, I prefer to "clearsign" my messages; I was wondering if there
was a way for me to have TB! default to "OFF" for PGP/Mime, instead of
"Auto".  Perhaps an .ini file entry?

- --
*  Best regards,
*  Marc.
*  New Orleans, LA (USA)
*  FIDONET=1:396/45  INTELEC=239:600/70
*  INTERNET: marc.lewis at sstar dot com
*  TELNET://sursum-corda.com
*  BBS, DATA & FAX: 1-504-897-6006

Version: PGP 5.5.3i


Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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