Hi Cyrille,

On Tue, 25 May 2004, at 22:58:09 [GMT +0200] (which was 2:58 PM where
I live) you wrote:
C> In theory the mistake might be at 4 different places:
C> 1) the end-user,


C> 2) TB,

Possible, but unlikely.

C> 3) the Internet service provider


C> 4) the moderator.

Very unlikely. Switching between one of your messages and another
message that does have the correct sig delimiter, it's very apparent
using the Rich Text Viewer as to which message has a proper sig
delimiter. Everything below a proper sig delimiter is light grey in

C> -2) To be honest, I do not know how to check whether I have the
C> space after the two dashes. The praised "free caret" or "virtual
C> space" method of MicroEd makes it impossible to know whether you
C> have a space at the end of a line or not.

Turn on the rich text viewer in:

Options, Preferences, Viewer/Editor, and set the "View plaintext
messages" to Rich Text/HTML viewer.

Send yourself an e-mail and look at your message that's returned. Now
compare it with the on in the sent folder. If your sent message shows
everything below the sig delimiter as light grey but your received
test message does not, then we can probably say it's your SMTP server
that's doing it, and if so, they are munging your message body which
is wrong.

If neither your sent nor received message show light grey below the
sig delimiter, then let me know and we'll troubleshoot further from

C> Couldn't it be the auto-wrap or auto-format features which strip
C> end of line spaces away????

It's possible. Try turning them off.

C> -3) Couldn't it be possible that some ISP strip off end of line spaces???

Possible again, the above test will tell.

C> -4) How do you, moderators, filter the bad delimiters out?

Using Rich Text/HTML viewer. It's *immediately* apparent when someone
does not have a proper sig delimiter as it's *not* grey below the sig

Leif Gregory 

List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
PCWize Editor  /  ICQ 216395  /  PGP Key ID 0x7CD4926F
Web Site <http://www.PCWize.com>
TB FAQ   <http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/FAQ.html>
Using The Bat! 2.05 Beta/16 under Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4 
on a P4 1.6Ghz OC'd to 2.32Ghz with 512MB.

Tagline of the day:
Boldly Going Nowhere

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