On Tuesday, May 25, 2004, Brien King wrote...

> Well, I submitted a bug report (Using the option under the Help
> menu) and I received the following message back:

> The original message was received at Wed, 26 May 2004 02:36:32 +0300
> from []) []

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> delayed. Negative "RCPT TO" reply from
> argus.ritlabs.com []. Host
> 'argus.ritlabs.com' says: "450 4.7.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... sender
> [] to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> denied for 600 seconds".

> Anyone else getting this?

They're using a greylisting "technology"... It forces the sending SMTP
server to be delayed (read the message) as it sends a 450 which is a
temporary error message. Your sending mail server SHOULD attempt to
resent at a later time (though you don't have control over it). The
sending server suggests 600 seconds, while the sending SMTP server
won't likely read past the 450 part. People are trying this as an
anti-spam thing, as most spamming software connects directly to the
recipient mail server, and has little respect for RFCs, and as such
would ignore that message, so the mail would be dropped. If your SMTP
server follows RFCs, then it would have been retried at a later time,
and delivered.

Jonathan Angliss
Using The Bat! v2.11 Beta/6 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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