Boris Gereg, [BG] wrote:

BG> I agree with some of you. I cannot understand why Ritlabs spends
BG> its resources for "features" like smiles, chat... Who needs it?
BG> The one and only reason I switched to Bat was it funcionality -
BG> mailer, no more no less. The more "features" they add, the more
BG> bugs the make. This is not problem only of Ritlabs. Many companies
BG> "enhance" their well established and fine working products to
BG> provide super new functions - and they cripple it!

I agree with this in principle. However, the problem is the difficulty
with defining that line of 'let's stop since there are too many
features'. The ones who don't like the new features are usually the
ones who think the line has been crossed. The ones who wish for the
new features applaud RIT for including them.

I just saw one from mmMeister on HTML editor enhancements. I'm pretty
sure he's not the only one who has appreciated the HTML editor's
improvements. Those anti-HTML editor posts are still vivid in my
mind. ;)

Chat is a mystery for most vocal members it would seem. With all that
RIT are faced with, i.e., the bug fixing and all those feature
wishes/enhancements, I'd be struck dumb if that chat feature weren't
really in demand by some important part of the TB! userbase. :) In
fact, I've assumed it is since I've been using TB! for years and have
seen the pattern.

Mind you, I'm certainly not saying that RIT are above or undeserving
of criticism. Sometimes we do feel left out in terms of support and in
terms of how timely our user issues are being dealt with. With all
that has been happening this is certainly understandable. However, I
thought I'd add some aspects to the other side of the coin to try and
provide some balance.

BG> I can live with with mailer without icons and chat like, I guess,
BG> other 95% of Bat users. There is plenty of bugs that should be
BG> fixed, as already written! Develop plugins for major antivirus
BG> software.

RIT do not develop the actual plug-ins. That's up to the anti-virus
producers who will develop a plug-in only if they find it worth their

BG> Provide better support. If you want to develop your chat, do
BG> separate product, don't mess Bat.

They did provide a pro argument for an integrated, rather than
componentized featureset with optional installs. It had to do with
TB!'s performance. They have considered your concern and seem to have
made their choice.

BG> So, congratulations Ritlabs, go on with new "improvements" that will
BG> make your Bat irresistable. Pleeease, can you implement feature for
BG> light control for my aquarium. Nice toolbar would be welcome. Fish
BG> icons and fish smiles are must! Let me know you are preparing it in
BG> order to provide me enough time to find another email client.

This last paragraph was not necessary and only damaged your message.
Tell us and RIT how you feel, which is good, but please spare us
paragraphs such as these. I hope you don't feel singled out since
there are others who have added their own invective to their posts.
However, yours was isolated and encapsulated in a single paragraph
that followed a good post that would have stood nicely on it's own
without the finish.

-=[ Allie ]=- (List Moderator and fellow end-user)

Running The Bat! v2.11.02 on WinXP Pro (SP1) 

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