Hello Allie,

On Tuesday, June 8, 2004, 5:58 PM, Allie Martin wrote:

AM> Sl, [S] wrote:

S>> On another matter...re ThunderBird vs The Bat!...tell me again
S>> Allie (and others) what you see as the merits/demerits of both. An
S>> obvious difference is TheBat does SO much more...(much of which may
S>> be superfluous to many users...eg like DVD players ...or cigarette
S>> lighters...in cars )...but could be nice to have anyway...just in
S>> case...(Besides...its nice to have options anyway... ;-)

AM> All ThunderBird has is good/reliable IMAP support. It has nothing
AM> else really. There are some extensions currently available, but
AM> none that offer any real functionality.

Agreed. I've also been using Thunderbird off-and-on for my IMAP
accounts because it (a)has extremely stable IMAP support, and (b)is
free. But beyond reliable bare-bones functions, it really doesn't have
much to offer at this point. When I'm using Thunderbird, I
particularly miss the message templates, the elegant handling of
identities, and the super-flexible filtering. Everyone probably has
their own lists of features of TB! that they've grown to find
essential, but those are the first that spring to mind for me.

AM> Now that TB!'s IMAP works well enough for me to read mail from
AM> work, the thought of using ThunderBird is now laughable. They
AM> simply don't compare once we get beyond basic fetching and reading
AM> of messages.

While I'm very excited at the prospect of TB! providing reliable IMAP
support, I'm personally not quite ready to break out the champagne
yet. I've experienced enough intermittent bizarre IMAP behavior with
TB! that I'm unwilling to un-install Thunderbird and rely solely on
TB! for IMAP at this point, and I certainly won't be using TB! on my
work machine until it is at least 95% stable. Hopefully that level of
stability will be reached in the next release (I just installed the
latest beta on my 'play' machine and it looks good so far -- fingers

Sean H.
using TB! 2.11.03 on Windows XP 

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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