Hello fellow tbudl subscribers!

Attachments received stopped displaying for me in TB! v. 2.00.6
yesterday. I had changed no settings. There had been no problems with
a double-click for jpegs and docs previously, or with the right-click
"Open" menu choice.

1) Now this does nothing--it's as if I had not tried to open the
attachments at all. This started happening after a cousin sent me an
attachment from a Mac--possibly a .tiff format, but the icon says
.jpg, so we think she converted to .jpg before sending. So the two of
us thought perhaps it was a Mac-Windows incompatibility.

2) However, this morning jpegs from my sister on Win98SE did nothing.

3) So I went back to old messages, and attachments that had formerly
opened with a double-click did nothing.

4) All these attachments can be viewed when Saved to Desktop. There the
icon is a Gimp icon, and each opens as always with a click
(irrelevant, but I have my Desktop set to single-click).

5) So, I thought--well, maybe something in TB! is corrupted. So I
downloaded v. 2.11.02 from the RitLabs site. Went smooth as silk. I
really do like the new version.

6) I have no plug-ins installed. My anti-virus program is F-Secure,
and it makes no objection to my opening the attachments from the

7) My firewall is Tiny Personal Firewall, v. 4.0 and it has never made
any objection to opening attachments.

(BTW, I viewed the smileys without problems. :) )

But I still can no longer open my received attachments, except by
saving them to Desktop.

Can anyone help me fix this? Much appreciation in advance!

Best regards,

The Bat 2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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