Hello Avram,

On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 23:48:46 -0500 GMT (13/06/2004, 11:48 +0700 GMT),
achdut wrote:

a> eTrust EZ Antivirus real-time protection has found that
a> C:\DOCUME~1\AVRAM\LOCALS~1\Temp\bat653.tmp is HTML.ObjectDataHTA
a> dropper

You are trying to download a mail that has a virus. TB will always
download to the temp file first before importing into the message
base. Your AV program quarantines the .tmp file, as the mails contains
a virus. That's what you told your AV software to do.

a> I installed the MS patch for this virus and have run a scan of the pc.

Nothing to do with this. Your PC is running as it should. Your setting
in the AV software is what's causing this.

a> However, I continue to get warning messages each time I download
a> e-mail.  The message is always the same, except that the number
a> changes.

Of course. As TB hasn't successfully downloaded and imported the mail,
it will try to do so at every mail check. This will not stop unless
you delete the message on serever using TB's mail despatcher, or turn
off your over-eager AV program.

a> Does anyone know what is going on and how I can get this to stop?

See above. It is a good idea to exclude the temp folder from AV
scanning, or at least exclude bat*.tmp files within that folder from
the real-time scan.

Oh, and referring to another thread: This problem doesn't exist with
plug-ins. That's the other advantage of AV plug-ins for TB.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Follow your dream! Unless it's the one where you're at work in your
underwear during a fire drill.

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