Martin Webster wrote in response to my query re problems copying The Bat 
to a laptop from my desktop:

>This sounds like a networking problem. I presume you posted your
>original message from your desktop PC on your home network; i.e. Windows

Yes.  I originally posted from the desktop PC.  Both the desktop and the 
laptop use XP Pro. 

>Please explain briefly how the network is set up as this will help.

Cable from outside feeds into modem, which, in turn, feeds into Linksys 4 
port, wireless router.  Desktop is connected via CAT5 cable to router. 
Laptop can be connected to router either via CAT5 cable or Dell Truemobile 
wireless card.  I almost always use the wireless card.

>Also, where is thebat.exe located; i.e the installer?

Thebat.exe is located in The Bat subdirectoy of the program directory. (I 
think!)   I will try your suggestions, but, unfortunately, it will have to 
wait as the desktop is fully dismantled due to a flood in our basement 
office and it (the desktop) does not have wireless capability.  I expect 
the desktop to be back up and running in about two weeks. In the meantime, 
I can access TBUDL through other channels.

Avram Sacks

running The Bat 1.62r on Win XPpro
Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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