Hello Andre,

Saturday, June 19, 2004, 12:25:11 PM, you wrote:

AW> Hello Richard,

AW> On 19 Jun 2004 at 05:33:38 +0500 GMT [02:33 CEST] you wrote:

RHS>> I'm using BayesIT, and have no problems with it. It's catching about
RHS>> 95% of the spam, which I hope will increase eventually, but even then
RHS>> that's only one or two a day that get through.

AW> Mine is at 99.8% for last month and 99.94% for last week :)

I would be happy if I could catch 1 spam....... :-(

I have SpamAssassin running on the mail server, it throws certain Spam into an IMAP
account for manual proofing - I mark all this and flag as Junk (training

Spam that reaches TB also gets marked as Junk (more BayesIt training)

The problem is that BayesIt never catches spam on it's own !!

I did not have this problem with BayesIt 0.4g, I have followed the advice
to delete all previous dictionaries, but BayesIt just sits there and does

Best regards,
 Graham                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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