Hello Charles, Stuart and Marck,

> The message should be flagged read after the expiry time of two seconds
> (this is the default and is configurable). So if you're moving to 
> another message before those two seconds it won't get flagged.

Thanks to all three of you for your answers! I had no idea that two
seconds were such a short time, I was sure that every mail I opened
was opened for more than two seconds. Now I've tested and had the
mails open a second longer, and yes, now all the messages were marked
as read.

> If you are reading a thread, then the message above in the thread
> does not get marked as read until you have completed reading the
> thread.

Stuart, messages I open do get marked as read before I have completed
reading the whole thread. So I don't really understand your statement.
Maybe you're using another TB version than I am?

Best regards,
Britt Henrikson
Using TB! 2.10.03 on Win2000

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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