
Using TB 2.10.03, XP

I have an error message "List index out of bound(1)"
when I scroll through the message list with the vertical arrows.
This is not systematic, but at least once a day.
The message appears only once, but then the icons that show the attached files
disappear in the small window at the left of the message text.
I know there is something attached because the left window exists.
I can select the attachement with the mouse but I do it completely blind since
nothing shows on the screen.
If I open the message in a separate window, then the attachement show correctly
in the left window.

Is this a known bug? I looked in the archives but could not find anything.

Best regards,
 cs4l                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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