> ---------------------------------------------
> On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, at 00:42:44 [GMT +0100] (which was 4:42 PM where I
> live) you wrote:
>>> However, total IMAP functionality
>>> isn't quite there yet...

> Most of the feature list works as advertised. I think you will be
> extremely happy with TB if you have some patience and willing to put
> in the time to learn.

You missed my point I think...

I am a very experienced user of TB - I use it to manipulate all sorts
of filters, re-directs, auto-replies, address list functions as well
as plain mail handling - my point was:

If I change to IMAP (all are currently POP3) will I compromise any of
that functionality - I earn my living using TB!

The reason for possibly changing to IMAP is:

ISP is prepared to install IMAP.


I can then do all the manipulation wheh I am (frequently) away from
the office and the main machine.

But.. as I said - I cannot afford screw ups becasue IMAP in the event
that IMAP's functionality or lack of?) compromises the email handling
set up that I have spent two years refining and developing on behalf
of myself and of clients.

Marten Gallagher
Annery Kiln Web Design
Using The Bat! 2.11.02
with POPFile 0.21.1
on Windows XP 5.1 

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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