Hello admin,

Friday, July 16, 2004, 12:12:45 AM, you wrote:

>> Hello admin,

>> Thursday, July 15, 2004, 6:59:15 PM, you wrote:

>>> Is anyone using TB 2.12.00 and POPFile and multiple accounts and a
>>> broadband connection and WinXP Pro?

>> well, only XP Home, but the rest fits. What's your problem?

> Would you object to letting me have a copy of your POPFile.cfg file?

No, I wouldn't ;-) it's on its way.

> I am trying to identify why TB freezes on collecting mail.

I  had that once, too, and I could solve my little problem with playing with the
timeout settings.

> How many accounts are you checking at a time?

I  have 6 accounts that get checked, and I think 2 of them are always checked at
the  same  time,  the  other  ones  have  different  time intervals, which means
sometimes they will kick in with the two, too.

:Jurgen_Haug: :eu-flag: :de-bw:

"Never hit a man with glasses. Use your fist!"

Using The Bat! v2.12.00, Opera v7.52.3834 on Win.XP.5.1.2600.SP1

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