Hello Leif,

Friday, July 16, 2004, 8:17:19 PM, you wrote:

> Friday, July 16, 2004, 11:41:40 AM, you wrote:
Jurgen>> <a name="Awaiting">
Jurgen>> but looks like that
Jurgen>> <a name="#Awaiting">

> Good call. I can't believe I pasted those in and still didn't notice
> I'd put it in wrong. :ohboy:

> Not the first time it's happened. I had a similar error with the loop
> code that was just as in-your-face-shoulda-noticed error.

> At any rate moving to TBOT

well  those things are very easy to 'install', and Opera is a very good Debugger
for  webpages,  it  is not as lenient as most other browsers (philosophers argue
about if that is good or bad since the Punic Wars)....

Jürgen Haug
:eu-flag: :de-bw:

"She was only a telegrapher's daughter, but she did-it-ah-did-it!"

Using The Bat! v2.12.00, Opera v7.52.3834 on Win.XP.5.1.2600.SP1

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