On Saturday, July 17, 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] stated:

A> Another unsubstantiated claim. I want facts, not hearsay.

A> So, can you tell me the names of those nasty critters?

That was about 3 months ago. All I remember was seeing a list of 53
infected files found and the viruses varied. The one that instigated
the change from Norton to AVG was a PWS variant. AVG 6 found it but
couldnt get it until I turned off system_restore and rebooted to
safemode. But a month later the system was infected again. Nothing we
tried worked until we put on AVG 7. That's when we got the list of 53
files infected by at least 4 different viruses. I didnt take note
of the names, I just reviewed the file, determined they werent
important and told AVG to "take care of it".

So it isnt hearsay ... I was the one cleaning the system and can say
from personal action - Norton didnt get them.


A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.

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