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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was Sun, 18 Jul 2004, at 12:18:12 -0400,
   @  @      when subscriber2list wrote:

> Also, concur with your assessement re: geeks or advanced users would
> tend to investigate using The Bat! Most everyday users may tend to
> stay away from it as there is so much power, but poor documentation
> (in general). The general populace is not like most of the subscribers
> to this email list in that they will not delve into the intricacies of
> the product for any length of time. If they do use it, they will only
> use what is easy to use ...

I switched to TB from Netscape Messenger, for just one reason: to work
with all accounts (in/out) *at once*. I had several accounts and had to
constantly switch between "profiles" to accomplish sending/receiving my
mail. It meant much more time spent on-line, on a very bad connection,
if we disregard all other inconveniences. I complained to a friend and
he told me about TB. I was so happy that I could do what I wanted, that
I accepted all collateral effects, cooly. (: All the rest of various
features I see as a bonus sort of, whether they are essentially useful
to me or not so much.

And it was not easy to me to manage with a totally new and strange
conceptions in that time. I had impression of TB then, and always after,
as of some experimental dragster prototype: eternally unfinished
contraption ready to carry out definitively unusual and amazing things.

> I too personally hate to see the emphasis on the HTML side of the
> house, but that might be RIT's strategy to expand their markets and
> provide an alternate to Incredimail, OE, et al.

...if they really yearn now to compete with various sorts of *limos* (-;
and circus cars, forgetting own roots, then let them be so. We all make
mistakes, so we should allow the same to others too.

> Oh well, just as long as they don't forget us along the way.

Market is often a cruel and merciless environment, especially for those
who have no a strict and clear goal, and who are prone to hesitate
excessively, and above all, for those who tend to please "audience"
which is not their own.

Personally, I do not feel, nor think, that the market has to be pleased
by any price, even if this would mean more money for me. Something in
quality of my life changes then, and if I put on a steelyard the both,
somehow am more prone to choose *my life*. (-: I could bearably easily
live with less money, but would hardly live that bearably with less of
my "dreams".

And of course, not every one is obligated to live "in my way". (: Just
trying to analyze a bit the "situation". Thinking aloud... In this hot
afternoon... again is 36°C... here... tropical ..it... (: Going for a
:beer: ... Where was the fridge...

> The truth IMO is they need you and others on this list and other
> related lists in order to provide a good product. You'll all "part of
> the team" ... be it advertising (via word of mouth or other means),
> providing wish list items, testing, etc.

I am convinced that they get a best possible feedback via these several
TB lists. They really are a great source of reversal informations and
new ideas, or just ideas, and all these "users" should probably be
treated as "associates". (-;

- --
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