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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was Sat, 17 Jul 2004, at 15:43:43 -0400,
   @  @      when subscriber2list wrote:

MM>> Me too. Shortened: "Charsetfun" (like in *funny* manuals (-; ) (It's a
MM>> paraphrase of Am. veterans' therm "clusterf...")

> Aaah, Mica, you speak ... aah, you're "der Mann"!

Hehe... Yep, I "speak" a bit, but "urgency"/misery make it so. If "der
Mann" means you mean I am a man, yes, it's correct. (-: But if it's
another specific therm than I don't get it. For the therm "clusterf..."
I heard few years ago from a friend of mine living in US.

> <snip>

MM>>>> We can't wait for a UTF-8... and are sending multi-language messages as
MM>>>> attachments.

>>> is it in the wish list?? is it a priority??

MM>> Dunno. But should be.

> Agree wholeheartedly.  Have been following the discussion between
> Maggie, Paul, Thomas, et al re: character sets.  Been playing around,
> i.e., ¡ ¿ (hope those show up ..)  ... alot of fun, but ...

>>> with an international group, you would think that would be way up the
>>> ladder of priorities..

MM>> Exactly.

> My sentiments exactly.  Do you think we've influenced them yet?
> Probably ... naaaaaah ... NOT.  LOL!

Well, what I get, is that any producer is mostly influenced by market
logic. In this sense an implementation of UTF-8 would drastically raise
the level of sale/use/popularity. (I bet that most TB users are so
called "advanced users" or even "geeks", therefore ones who would need
"desperately" such a feature as UTF-8 is.) I don't believe that work on
a HTML editor is what should get some priority, in this, market, sense
and in general. ... Especially for it is "developed" in a such way that
rather produces some awkward impressions, than anything else. (This HTML
editor is, for instance, a perfect antipode to the TB's Plain Text
Editor, by its quality and functionality.)

- --
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