G>> TB's Bat icon is permanently in the systemtray (right corner below).
G>> When I click on it to read my mail, the icon also appearing in the taskbar.
G>> If I leave TB a longer time on my screen, and then click it away (minimize),
G>> both icons stay, allthough the one in the taskbar should disappear.
G>> Is that a configuration mistake of mine, or is is a (known) TB problem?
G>> Running under XP Pro.

> You didn't say which version of TB you are using, but 2.11 and 2.12

Sorry, thought, that was visible. 2.12 is running here.

> have a switch in Options->>Preferences to "Always show in system tray"
> and "Do not show on task bar". Ensure both are checked that may give
> you the configuration you want.

Both are on, so there shouldn't be an icon in the taskbar, just one
in the system try. Nevertheless, there appears an icon in the taskbar
too and it only disappears, if I exit TB.

Kind regards,

       ... Dragon Poker...here Five Scales of a Kind beat
       a Full Palace any day!

Current version is 2.12.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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