In the two years I've been using The Bat, I've never managed to get the New Mail Notification Sound working the way I'd like. There are always some messages that are treated opposite of what I want (sound when I want silence or silence when I want sound).
It seems that if I disable sound for the account, then I can NEVER have sound played for any messages, even when their filters explicitly say to play a sound. It also seems that if I enable sound for the account, then it is almost impossible to convince a filtered message to *NOT* play a sound. I say this because the 'Play Sound' action is UNCHECKED BY DEFAULT in new filters, yet they ALWAYS play the new mail sound! The best I've been able to come up with is to set the 'sound allowed' time to 5:59-6:00am only. Unfortunately, even this doesn't always seem to work. Any suggestions on how to have all of the filters I have set to 'mark read' the matching messages to be SILENT when new mail arrives for them? And conversly, to have the others play the new mail sound? And FWIW, while I cannot currently think up an easier way to adjust all of the filters, the existing way is painful at best. I must manually go down the list one at a time, look at the TOP action (mark read) to decide how I want the BOTTOM action (play sound) to be set. -- nurbles ________________________________________________ Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information: