Thanks, great info (:-). Interleaved...

> > - Can it be configured not to fetch any images or other remote
> > content, while still displaying HTML in msgs?
> Au-contere, it does not /ever/ 'fetch' images and has no such mode
> nor a switch for it. This is a security design policy decision that
> most users appreciate with enthusiasm.

Me too, kind of, or rather, I want to control it. I *don't* want what the
version of Outlook I'm using does, which is to always display images,
contacting the sender's server and letting them know I'm here. But I would
like to see images when I choose to, both full HTML pages with images from
companies I want to hear from, and specific image enclosures I select. Are
you saying it *won't* display remote images, even if I want it to for the
individual msg I've viewing>

I thought The Bat did have some viewing capability, as mentioned here, from
the site: "The Bat! has built-in image viewer supporting GIF, PNG, BMP, ICO,
WMF, EMF and JPEG formats. You don't have to wait until an external image
viewer gets loaded."

> > - Can I write emails as HTML source code? (I don't use styled msgs
> > very often, but if I did want to, that's a comfortable way to do
> > it for me, since I'm a web developer.)
> Hmmm - "I think so". That's the best I can do, since I know of some
> here that do that.

Is there a 'View HTML Source' or 'Edit HTML Source Code' menu item or
button, something like that?

> > - Not directly about The Bat, but what are people using for
> > calendaring?
> Well, it does have a fairly sophisticated scheduler. It is
> email-centric, but can do launches, popups and document creations on
> event triggers.

Sorry, I wasn't very specific. Can it..

- Show monthly, weekly, and daily views, including multiple appointments on
the same day, whole-day events, some events spanning multiple days?

- Handle recurring events (weekly mtgs, annual birthdays etc), with
reasonable control?

- Pop up an alert and optionally play a sound when an appointment occurs?
Can I snooze the alert for a selectable amount of time, so it reminds me
again later?

- Load in the typical US national holidays automatically?

Thanks again, a lot,


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