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Hello Julian,

On Tuesday, August 03, 2004 , at 12:04:55[GMT +0100](which was 4:04 AM
where I live) you wrote (at least in part):

JBL> On Tuesday, August 3, 2004, 6:22:50 AM, Michael L. Wilson wrote:

>> I have been playing with BayesIT macros to create statistics on the
>> bottom of this email.

JBL> Don't forget that Netiquette dictates that the length of the sig
JBL> should be 4-5 lines maximum. The length of your sig, particularly once
JBL> you have added BayesIT data, is well in excess of this.

JBL> Users of TB! and the RTV may not notice this, but not everyone uses
JBL> TB!, and these unfortunate people will see many lines of sig, which
JBL> they will have to manually chop in replies.

JBL> Julian

Sorry you misunderstood.  The Bat! allows me to have different
templates to have different sigs for each "send" address.  I have
created a rather long sig for the bat discussion groups to display
what my system is.  The spam counter is also, only in the template for
the Bat lists.

You should look into The Bat! templates, they really are quite good
and help in the world Netiquette.

It is also my belief, that everyone on this list either uses The Bat!
or knows of it.

- --
Michael L. Wilson, MBA :usflag:
Ecclesiastic Philosopher

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over.
- -----------------------------------------------------
Exploiting The Bat! version 2.13 "Lucky" Beta/1
Hamstrung with Windows XP 5.1 (2600)
Scanning with Nod32 anti-virus
Hiding behind Outpost Pro Firewall

==Spam Stats, last 24 hours (BayesIt! 0.5.9)
Total Spam Emails: 74
Total Clean Emails: 176
BayesIT guessed right 99.972973% of the time
My email is 2.378378% spam

Version: PGP SDK 3.2.2
Comment: "Big Brother is REALLY watching you"


Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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