Hello Scott,

Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 9:05:41 AM, you wrote:

SS> Howdy,
SS> Due to my desktop crashing completly (Motherboard, HD all fried, power
SS> surge) I was not using The Bat to download my email and was instead
SS> using web based for 2.5 months. In that period, I only used web based
SS> and had ammassed around 4000 emails that I had not downloaded from

SS> Upon restoring my computer and The Batk Backup, I had 2.5 months worth
SS> of email to sort. Approx 1500 would be SPAM. I managed to manually
SS> click on 898 SPAM messages and move them to the junk folder. Here lies
SS> one problem. The rest of the SPAM in my inbox would be the pretty much
SS> the same, yet when I go to re-filter the messages, The Bat does not
SS> pick up anymore SPAM (After learning from 898) which is annoying.

SS> Also, my other filters no longer work, and when I create new filters
SS> refiltering does not work for them either...When the refilter box
SS> comes up it shows that "all" messages are being filtered which it
SS> weird, as this does nor occur afterwards...

SS> I am using The Bat v3 with the new SPAM plugin.

SS> Is there any clues"?

A couple of things ...

1.) did you train it with lots of *not* spam?  It is at least as
important to show it what is not spam as it is to show it spam.

2.) You mentioned restoring TB from a back up and later that you are
using ver 3. Did you have an anti spam that you were using in that old
"back up" version? You need to be meticulous in removing all traces of
the old plug-in. Un-install it, clear out all the data files and
directories that it created (there was data in the program tree as
well as in the data tree on my 'Bayesit' anti-spam plug-in), re-add in
the plug-in and now go retrain it.

Not sure what problem you are having with filters ... are you sure
that they are set correctly?  I have ... at various times ... made
mistakes on what I was filtering, where I was filtering, what action I
was taking, etc.

If they are 'hold overs' from the earlier version, you might try
deleting all the filters and then putting them back in one at a time
to see if maybe something was corrupted in the conversion/upgrade.

Best regards,
 MikeD                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows ME 4.90 Build  3000

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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