Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

The problem may very well be that there is none. When it comes to VF's, the filtering and the macros (and the wish to have those features together in an email client), is there an alternative?

Well, I use Mutt, which is a console MUA for Linux. You can run it under Cygwin, which is a port of the Bash shell, along with most (all) of the GNU tools for Windows. In my opinion, it is superior in most aspects to TB!. The only thing that might be a problem to some is that its not point-and-clicky, i.e. its a console application, driven by keyboard not mice. But it is very very powerful and easy to use/configure.

In any case, I have used Opera's M2 and Mozilla's Thunderbird and I gotta say I am impressed with their features. They may not have all the features I am used to in TB! yet, but I would trust those organizations a lot more than RitLabs to add good features and move their clients forward into the future. Who knows! maybe Opera will add physical folders or Mozilla will add virtual folders sooner than RitLabs would fix IMAP completely! hehehe :)


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