Thursday, September 2, 2004, 11:44:15 AM, you wrote:

MM> "Deaf as a post" is a good term. When they say "deaf
MM> as a cannon", it sounds... controversially.

Or contradictory?

MM> What is DH? ... I ask it because of upgrade. (-:

Sorry .. Dear Husband :-) He is a keeper, though I have to
shout at him most of the time to be heard :-) I'm not
planning to upgrade there, either :-)

MM>>> What I am afraid of here is a pending possibility,
MM>>> "in my heart", of accepting TB as a member of
MM>>> family. <mixed feelings>


MM> Or even better: you get a really good steak, and then
MM> someone perfuse it with some sweet catchup (yuck!).
MM> Then you need a *talent* to solve the situation... If
MM> you just launder the steak, all other good spices will
MM> go away.

This is true .. they say here, 'throwing out the baby with
the bathwater' ...

MM> I always was telling: "People, do not *build in* such
MM> features. Make them as plug-ins. So that folks may
MM> *choose* what they want and when they need them." But
MM> no. Nobody listen to. ...Seems they are deaf as a
MM> posts.

Yes .. that is the solution that really would work for


MM> You function in one way. Many others function in a
MM> different one.

Precisely ... as long as I can turn on/off what I don't want,
you/they are welcome to them ..


MM> Just adding few lines, here and there, for getting
MM> some relief look would be enough. Now it looks as a
MM> steamroller has passed over it.

lol! Some nice skins, maybe, that you could use if you
wanted them :-)


MM> Doing what you can with what you have is also an
MM> interesting thing.

Yes, but a little of it goes a long way :-)

In truth, I would rather keep TB than break in a new
mailer; it is about the best mailer I've used, and if I
could fix just a few small things, I wouldn't even be
complaining ... v12 is really running very well here now,
so if I could get rid of this virtual folder, I wouldn't
even mind so much having to rebuild the AB. I will have to
think about upgrading, though; will see what they do with
v3 between now and December 1 ..


MM> Happiness is most important. (-:

That's probably the bottom line .. a lot of people never
really get there.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]    * * *    Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed    * * *      Team OS/2

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