Hello Alexander!

On Saturday, September 04, 2004, 11:19 AM, you wrote:

ASK>>> ... the smiley interpreter doesn't interpret anything in ,,, <>

< ... >

ASK> I mean - I placed "<g>" as a handle there. Including the
ASK> "chevrons" aka pointed brackets. Placing "*g*" is interpreted,
ASK> however.

Ah. I see. I totally failed to realize that you were doing some
testing and reporting on that.

MB>> BTW, we have no image to represent ":-)" in the Image folder. To
MB>> call a smile, ":)" is the handle. ...

ASK> Dunno - I just created my own smiley theme, and it contains a
ASK> ":-)" handle, of course! ;-)

That explains why I don't see it--neither in the default.msl nor in
the pcwsmileys.msl as downloaded (default with TB!, pcwsmileys
from http://www.PCWize.com/thebat/PCWSmileys.php ) does that handle

What follows from this is, that unless others manually edit their own
.msl files to include that handle, the image will only be called on
your machine.

However, as Mica M. pointed out earlier in this thread, for use
among any correspondents running TB!, it's possible to make a set of
images and .msl files to call them and have one's own private set of
smileys to use.

Finally, your test seems to be a real-life proof that what Marck said
about the < > enclosure not working in the Smileys code is true.

Thanks for writing. :-)

Best regards,
Mary  (PCWSmileys Administrator)
The Bat! 3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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