Hello Thomas,

Sunday, September 5, 2004, 1:37:19 PM, you wrote:

MCR>>        1 - I searched the list archive on smileys and I
MCR>> printed the "default.msl" file, but I'm no expert and need some
MCR>> help in "translating" the file.

TF> You don't need to translate it. TB does it for you. TB uses it when it
TF> converts text-smileys to pictures. This works when you use the
TF> rich-text viewer and have smileys enabled.

What I meant with "translating" was that I don't quite understand how
to use it.

For example:

      Smiley = ".\Default\smile.gif", 0, ":) :-)", "smile"

What should I write in the messages for the smile.gif appear?


     Smiley = ".\Default\ufo.gif", 0, ":ufo:", "ufo"

This one seems different. Shall I write :ufo:?

Best regards,
 Cristina in Lisbon, Portugal            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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