Hi Gunivortus and list,

On Tuesday, September 7, 2004 at 20:49:40 GMT +0200 (which was 20:49
where I live) Gunivortus Goos wrote (at least in parts) and made these
valuable points on the subject of "Vs. 3 sorting problem":

> A friend, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is member of a mailinglist. His contributions to that
> list are sorted in the correct listfolder.
> But we're writing also a lot in private, so I've a folder especially for his
> mails. He's writing me with the same emailaddress. Now all messages he writes to
> that mailinglist are also sorted in my private folder for him.

I guess you filter on something like his mail-address.

As Alexander wrote, most (!) mailing lists set the Reply-to Headerto
the list address. I for myself filter the Header "List-Id".

You should pay attention though, that these filters are performed
prior to those which filter for the senders mail-address. This way I
have no trouble with private correspondence with list members.


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