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I have been using The Bat! since 1.2 or there abouts.  The program has
always performed well.  I have used it for pop3 only for that time.  I
have tried betas and found a few problems, but it is a solid program,
even after the unexpected release of 3.

I believe most, if not all the problems are due to the millions of
different configurations people can put on their computers.  I have
never used a "plug-in" for anti-virus, but am currently using BayesIT! with no problem.

My only complaint is that I must supply the old serial number to

upgrade to the new version.  If I download the trial of the new
version to see if I like it, the old serial number is gone.  There is
no way to retrieve it from The Bat! program without downgrading, which
can cause problems.

Other than that, I always come back to The Bat!

As a little background, I have been a computer professional, both
hardware and software, since 1978.  I bought my first PC in 1980 and
have built every one I have ever used, except my current laptop.  I
now teach computer science and computer certification courses.  I can
write programs in C/C++, HTML, Javascript and Perl.  I know many
people do not consider html and javascript programming languages, but
never the less, I teach them and use them regularly.

That said, I believe that most The Bat! problems are system
configuration problems.  Windows is easily the most unstable program
ever written.  It can easily be broken.  I format and reinstall every
6 months because I do not want crashes.  I never have any.  My systems
run smoothly and cleanly, even though I am a shareware addict.

Well, there it is.  I have used The Bat! for years with no problems.
I am sorry other people have problems and consider 3.x unstable.  I
suggest backing up your important data, reformatting and reinstalling.
 If you are using 98 or Me, get XP, it truly is better.

- --
Michael L. Wilson, MBA
Ecclesiastic Philosopher


Using The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 (2600-Service Pack 2)

Ponder this: The best things in life aren't things.

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=====================================    22:15

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