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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Sun, 12 Sep 2004,
   @  @      at 13:32:49 -0400, when rich gregory wrote:

MM>>> Shakespearian Random Cursing Generator.
MM>>> insultmonger.com/generators/index.htm

> I think that visiting that site is BAD!

> When I visited it created a directory (under Progra~1) called
> "Winad client" and then winad.exe puts itself in the machine run
> section of the registry.

> It also added winadx.dll, referenced in a cryptic entry in
> "\windows\downloaded programs".

I am sorry to hear this, Rich. I have visited this location last time,
according to my Compass (a bookmark organizer), on 03-04-17 at 22:52:44.
Haven't experienced anything similar. Obviously, the times change, and
this site is not any more for recommendation.

I use small part of its content for making a cookie file for TB, but am
also yesterday informed that now one could find (at the Shakespearian
section) the "f- words" and "ah- words" and even some "worse
combinations" (since it works as a random machine, and it seems someone
feed it badly). These also are the things I couldn't recommend on any TB
list, although "ah- words" are not known to me, in this sense.

The curses I harvested in that time are quite sappy, and gorgeous, but
are not of the sort described above.

I hope that you could get rid of this "Winad Client" easily. If not,
knowing that it is sort of a "client", you would have to leave the
Winblows and restart in MS-DOS, in order to delete the folder content. I
would do a Registry cleaning too (I use RegCleaner for this). I also
have unchecked in IE "Install on demand", if it helps in situations when
an *offer* is given to the user, so it can be flipped back. If it still
somehow installs, than it is really bad.

Sorry again, it was a fine and pretty funny site once.

- --
PGP key uploaded at: <http://pgp.mit.edu/> once just before breakfast
[Earth LOG: 11 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]


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