Hello Doug,

Sunday, September 12, 2004, 8:51:33 PM, you wrote:

rich>> When I visited it created a directory (under Progra~1) called
rich>> "Winad client" and then winad.exe puts itself in the machine run
rich>> section of the registry.

rich>> It also added winadx.dll, referenced in a cryptic entry in
rich>> "\windows\downloaded programs".

> What is 'Progra~1'? I presume Program Files.

> It didn't do that to me. I wonder if you are using Internet Explorer,
> which even the US government's US-CERT cybersecurity center has warned
> people not to use!

> I use Opera and Firefox.

> I visited the site, then checked with Adaware and Spybot Search and
> Destroy, no problems.

and that's why I don't have any problems with that site either. ;-)

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw:

"A duck walks into a drugstore and ask the clerk for chapstick. The clerk put the 
chapstick on the counter and says 'that will be $2' The duck replies 'Just put it on 
my bill'"

Using The Bat! v3.0.0.11, Opera v7.54.3865 on Win.XP.5.1.2600.SP1

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