Hello Sander,

Wednesday, September 29, 2004, 9:43:53 AM, you wrote:
SvdB>>> But, to be honest, I would prefer a freeware Windows version of SpamAssassin.
SvdB>>> But it does not exist... :-(

ND>> SA is just perl, I had it running nicely OK on a PC a couple of years
ND>> back.

SvdB> I know, I had it running too (it was called "Pop3Proxy"). But it
SvdB> didn't use all the extensions like a full installation of
SvdB> SpamAssassin on a unix system.

I think that you're wrong.  SpamAssassin *is* only perl.  If you have
perl on your PC then you can run the real deal.  There are a few
issues with pipelining etc and getting all the perl modules requires a
bit of CPAN knowledge.

Pop3Proxy and others were packaged products that took the pain out of
getting perl/SA installed in Win32.

Do that google - then get back to me...


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