Hi Perry and list,

On Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 07:55:03 GMT -0400 (which was 13:55
where I live) Perry Nelson wrote (at least in parts) and made these
valuable points on the subject of "New filter does not move message":

[Test filters]

>   It says, "Processed by: New Rule. Actions performed:"  What does that
>   tell us?  Does the fact that nothing follows the "Actions performed:"
>   portion indicate that no actions were performed, which is consistent
>   with what I am seeing?  If you perform you own test on your copy of my
>   filter, do you get the same message that I get or something else?

Have a look at your filters - the account filters as well as the
common filters as those are processed before any account filter. The
test displays tells, there is a filter named "New rule" by which
your message was processed.

"Action performed: " without any more indicator means there is no
action associated to this filter. May be that filter is a remaining
result of some experimenting.

If this "New rule" is not marked as "continue processing" that
behavior would perfectly fit with the results you get.


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