Hallo Gerard,

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 13:03:24 +0200GMT (27-10-2004, 13:03 +0200, where
I live), you wrote:

RO>> Use alternative forward, that way the original message is sent as it
RO>> is, as an attachment.
Z> lIsn't alternative forward the same a redirect?

No. You can forward a message in two ways, with the original message in the
body of your message or with the original message as an attachment.
What is normal and what is alternative depends on whether you've
checked 'Forward messages as attachments (MIME standard)' at
  Account -> Properties -> Templates -> Forward

Z> If not how do you do this alernative forward?

  Specials -> Alternative forward
  or <Shift><Alt><F5>

Groetjes, Roelof

Apple (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton

The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
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